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Pia Barborič Jurjaševič - Coach

Pia Barborič Jurjaševič is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coach Federation and, EIA Senior by EMCC Global. 

She is an Organizational Coach (Embody Your Coaching Wisodm), Integral Coach, and  Jungian Coach and works as an Executive Coach and Mentor. 

Currently in the process of obtaining PCC credentialing.


Pia has more than 20 years of experience working as a General Manager in multinationals. She is active as an Executive Coach and mentor, and she has seen what it takes to create great leaders & managers, engaged individuals, good effective teams, and successful organizations.




Pia has more than 20 years of experience working as a General Manager. She is active as an Executive Coach and mentor, and she has seen what it takes to create great leaders & managers, engaged individuals, good effective teams, and successful organizations.


Developing people through curiosity, questioning, listening, challenge and support, self-reflection, giving feedback, encouraging self-responsibility and independent thinking is my way of leadership. As a leader and coach, she is in the business of changing people’s minds, professionally and personally. To create success in all aspects of their being we work together as thinking partners, she partners with them to achieve what really matters to them.

Pia understands business and coaching in equal measure and it's positive that clients comment on how this combination enhances their coaching experience. There are so many parallels between her coaching practice and being a leader but in a nutshell, it's that she still supports people to encourage the "art of the possible" to achieve truly satisfying results. Her motto:  want what is best for people, I am here for them.


As a faculty (practicum lead and facilitator), Pia is part of the ICF & EMCC accredited coaching program Embody your Coaching Wisdom Povej na Glas.


Some of her training in coaching:


  • Povej na Glas, Embody your Coaching Wisdom - Level 2 - 2022
  • Povej na Glas, I.C. Integral coach 2019 - 2020
  • Povej na Glas, Embody your Coaching Wisdom - Organizational Coach - 2019
  • Povej na Glas, Jungian Coaching Slovenia, Jungian coach - 2018-2019


Being ethical, compassionate, resilient to setbacks, and continuing with the learning path are the values that embrace her work. As a leader and coach, she is evolving, day by day. Pia is under regular coaching supervision by Jasna Knez ESIA. She has found the seeds of gratitude in her and is becoming a better person for herself and others.



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