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Šola za coache - ICF ACTP LEVEL 2 certificirani program


Pridružite se novi generaciji coachev in postanite mednarodno akreditiran coach z LEVEL 2 akreditacijo s strani mednarodne zveze coachev (ICF). Postanite strokovnjak na področju razvoja osebnostnega potenciala z mednarodno diplomo.

Kaj lahko pričakujete:

  • Delo poteka v majhnih skupinah.
  • Skupinski trening se usmerja na individualni pristop 
  • Vse delavnice so izpeljane po metodah izkustvenega učenja, kar vam udeležencem omogoča aktivno sodelovanje ter odpira prostor za dialog, izmenjavo izkušenj in skupno iskanje rešitev na izzive, s katerimi se soočate pri vsakodnevnem delu.
  • Spoznali boste čudoviti svet coachinga in se poglobili v holistični pristop coachinga in delo z nezavednim.
  • Spoznali boste izjemna coaching orodja in popeljali vaš stil stopničko višje.
  • Zagotavljamo izjemno izkušnjo in ontološki pristop. 
  • Učenje poteka celostno in integralno, na nivojih:
    • delovanje – fizično telo,
    • identiteta oz. persona, 
    • način razmišljanja,  
    • strast oz. energija, 
    • sistemi, ki vplivajo na nas - sistemski vidik.

Podarite si izjemno izkušnjo rasti in transformacije svojih poslovnih in osebnih potencialov! 

Poglejte tudi osnovni program Embody Your Coaching Wisdom - organizacijski coach ECW



ICF accredited training for professional LEADERSHIP coaches 

Integral Coaching Certification program™ is aimed at leaders & coaches & trainers who want to extend their competencies and learn how to apply Integral theory and knowledge, agile coaching skills, and attitude to their coaching path. The program holds ACTP accreditation by ICF and prepares you for the Profesional Certified Coach level. Become a certified leadership coach by attending a life-changing program with an integrative and ontological approach. Organized in cooperation with The Integral Institute KA Danismanlik and Povej na Glas.


Today’s leaders face unpredictable and complex moral systems, motivation, and working styles. New approaches, perspectives, strategies, and methods must provide a fresh outlook toward the teams, the leaders, and the system to overcome these complex, unpredictable, and contradictory structures.


Until today, management, consulting, and coaching systems concentrated on one aspect regarding the issues and events leaders encounter, such as; team relations and systemic conditions, their influence, the perception that they create, and the inner dynamics involved. This has been the cause for missing the ‘Whole’ regarding approach and context for the developed solutions.


Using this perspective, the main goal of the I.C. Integral Coaching™ program is to train coaches who can support leaders & managers & employees during each process while focusing on the whole picture and being those who will aim to provide a positive transformation in the world throughout their careers.

Integral Coaching is an ongoing, evolving methodology intended to be the most comprehensive way to build someone’s competence to face life and business situations by attending to the whole person. 

This course is designed for coaches supporting managers, HR professionals, and executives whose central role in their organization is evoking excellence in others and committed to ongoing professional and personal development. 




  1. A powerful and research-based methodology grounded in theories, researches, and practices. You will learn methodology and coaching tools by Integral theory and systemic approach and embody coaching mindset through mastering core coaching competencies by ICF
  2. An advanced curriculum of study and practice includes L1 5 modules and an L2 1 module. (6 intensive modules). Group and individual learning enable further development processes for participants with coaching practices, final exam papers & coaching demonstrations.
  3. A senior teaching faculty committed to immense standards of excellence.
  4. Continuous support with the faculty and team.
  5. An individual development plan for each participant.
  6. Small class sizes and working in subgroups with open-minded professionals and leaders may lead you to have lifelong friends, colleagues, and comrades while growing, learning, and being in a safe circle. With ongoing support for mastery in your coaching competencies and leadership style. 
  7. All workshops are carried out using experiential learning methods, enabling participants to participate actively, open up a space for dialogue, exchange experience, and jointly find solutions to the challenges you face in your daily work. Working inside out and outside in addressing the whole.
  8. Learning holistically takes place at the following levels:
  • performance – physical body,
  • identity or persona, 
  • way of thinking,  
  • passion or energy, 
  • systems that affect us - the systemic aspect.


How will it benefit you?

  1. A transformational program will give you systemic lenses and wisdom to balance your authority, presence, and impact. We will offer you coaching demonstrations, coaching practice, coaching supervision, and mentoring on each module and between progress to support your growth and development of your coaching style.  
  2. All-inclusive tuition with no additional fees: all sessions, books, materials, coaching, mentoring, and the certification process.
  3. Building your leadership and coaching skills and gaining your L1 - ACSTH Integral Leadership Coaching certification with the opportunity to attend L2 - the Coaching Mastery  ACTP Integral Coaching program to become C.P.I.C™ – Certified Professional Integral Coach, which will open you the direct door of ICF individual credential at ACC or PCC level. (ACTP credentialing path)
    1. The I.C. Integral Coaching Program has been recognized by International Coach Federation (ICF) as an Accredited Coach Specific Training Hours – (ACSTH) in a total of 104 hours (first 5. modules - Level 1), applicable for leaders, managers, HR professionals - gain Certificate Integral Coach.  
    2. The I.C. Integral Coaching Program has been recognized by International Coach Federation (ICF) as an Accredited Coach Training Program – (ACTP) in a total of 133 hours (6 modules Level 1 + Level 2.), applicable for coaches, internal coaches, trainers... Gain C.P.I.C. Certified Professional Integral Coach.
  4. Training languages - English.
  5. EXTRA GIFT: Marketing and Sales Training Content for Coaches ( webinar after graduation)



Pia Barborič Jurjaševič, Generalna direktorica Tobačna Ljubljana
»Ljudje pogosto mislimo, da smo odrasli na splošno enaki v razvoju - z razliko v spretnostih ali inteligenci. Čeprav sta takšni spremenljivki, kot sta spretnost in inteligenca, očitno pomembni, menim, da je razumevanje različnih svetov posameznika kot okolja, ključni dejavnik, ki nam pomaga do boljših rezultatov. Integralni pristop mi kot vodji omogoča jasno strukturo in holističen način vodenja. Osredotoča se tako na človeka v vsej svoji celoti kot na poslovni  problem oz. cilj, vključuje način delovanja, kulturo podjetja in strukturo organizacije ter poslovnih procesov. Vse je med seboj povezano in če želimo biti uspešni kot vodje moramo vsakemu področju nameniti pozornost in fokus. Tak način integralnega vodenja pelje do uravnoteženosti  in sistematičnosti.  Morda se bomo tako lahko soočili z izzivom, ki ga predlaga Ervin Schrodinger: Naloga ni toliko videti tisto, česar še nihče ni videl, ampak misliti tisto, česar še nihče ni mislil o tem, kar vsi vidijo. «


The integral approach or integral coaching means working with the whole, so we learn how to look at both the interior levels of consciousness and the corresponding exterior levels of physical complexity since including both results in a much more balanced and inclusive approach.

We are working with four domains (IOS) which are the four fundamental perspectives on any occasion (or the four basic ways of looking at anything). The “I” (the inside of the individual), the “it” (the outside of the individual), the “we” (the inside of the collective), and the “its” (the outside of the collective). The quadrants are simply the inside and the outside of the individual and the collective, and the point is that all four quadrants need to be included if we want to be as integral as possible. It is a systemic approach.

Addressing four domains in a way unique to each client so that nothing essential is left out: (elements, states of conciseness, stages of development, types..). The integral approach helps you see yourself and the world around you in more comprehensive and effective ways. You will advance your understanding of human development, coaching competencies by ICF, and advance your coaching interventions by integrating all aspects of learning integral lenses and excelling coaching interventions.


Nena Veber, PCC, CEO Althea Center: 
"Nič več v mojem coachingu ni več tako, kot je bilo. Na srečo.  Redefinirala sem področja, način in namen mojega delovanja v coachingu. 
Podpora predavateljev in soudeležencev v skupini je bila izjemna in traja tudi še po zaključku izobraževanja, med nami so se spletle prijateljske vezi, sodelujemo na projektih. Sedaj sem pri delu s klienti bolj pozorna ne samo na klienta samega, temveč tudi njegovo širše okolje, sisteme in področja kjer deluje in v katere je vpet. Zaradi vseh sistemskih orodij in celostnega, integralno-holističnega pristopa, so moji coachingi lahko še bolj ciljno usmerjeni in fokusirani, kadar je to potrebno. 
Program poleg izjemno bogate in strokovno kvalitetno podprte vsebine nudi izkustveno naravnanost, learning-by-doing. To je pa, poleg top predavateljev in trenerjev največja dodana vrednost. Je ni teorije, s pomočjo katere bi naučeno lahko v celoti razumel, če to ni podprto še s konkretno izkušnjo. Program je izredno močan ravno po tej plati. Zame je bilo to najbolj dragoceno. Praktično delo na samem šolanju, študijske skupine za samostojno delo med posameznimi moduli, supervizije in izmenjava izkušenj." 




I.C. Integral Coaching ™ Program CERTIFICATION L1 (ACSTH)  + L2 (ACTP)  consist of:




Module I & 2: Essentials & Process 


The Essentials module starts the Integral Coaching journey by providing core terminology of Coaching and Integral Methodology. 

Integral Coaching's road begins with explaining the terminologies, the coaching, and integral methodology's cornerstones in the Essentials module. This module's focal point is to outline the foundations of ICF Core Coaching Competencies and Integral Theory as well as understanding systemic view.

Participants will learn, experience, apply and internalize integral Coaching foundation within this module through a wide lens. They will embody the core coaching skills with advanced coaching techniques. Besides, they will receive feedback from experts to progress and improve said skills.

We continue with the II. 'Process' module focuses on Integral Theory by coaching the Emotion-Discourse-Body perspective.

This module's critical purpose is to balance the 'Doing' and the 'Being' within the client's development. In this module, participants will examine themselves and their clients in-depth; living through the experiences of emotion, discourse, and body, they will come to understand that they're in dynamic and compatible relationships. As in all modules, the two components, ICF Core Coaching Competencies, and Integral Approach will be deepened, as well observed and each student will be given feedback during the practice of coaching sessions.


Module 3 & 4: Deep Diving & Spirit 


The 'Deep Dive' module will put the coach and the participant deep into the experience's heart. The main purpose module is; for the coach to understand himself and the client in a holistic view, focusing on deep unconscious processes, discovering both seen and unseen value systems, identities, internal saboteurs (archetypes), and using their essential coaching skills such as systemic listening and questioning. This module will integrate and apply their coaching skills collectively. We practice and integrate coaching skills - experience and integrate coaching from doing coaching to being coaching. Coaching practices and gathering feedback/supervision sessions are also in place.

We continue with the  ‘Spirit’ module that begins with us seeing the world from the perspective of the five elements as a coach and individual. Within this frame, a roadmap will be created by the energy created from the internal dynamics of the elements for the coach to use in his practice. As in all other modules, the two essentials, i.e., ICF Core Competencies and Integral Approach, will be reviewed during every practice, and feedback/assessment will be provided.



Module 5: Alchemy & Integration


The  ‘Alchemy’ module combines the skills, information, and experiences learned in the first four modules and transforms them into an ‘Integrated Coaching Map.’

This module will allow participants to use their experience with a ‘trust in the coaching process’ mindset and encourage them to begin their ‘Hero's Journey.’ In this module, we are integrating whole knowledge through deep practice. Participants will experience working with guest clients and this is the module where live coaching day takes place. Participants will receive assessment/feedback from the instructors.


In addition to this intensive program, you will be required to complete a series of practical coaching sessions and self-study. You will be assigned to your GPS study group for practice to accompany you in this study transformative process.

Each participant will take a final oral exam - demonstrate a live session with a potential client to exhibit their coaching skills, and receive feedback from the instructors.

With the completion of the first section of the I.C. Integral Coaching™  program, L1 - 5 modules, participants will have completed an important step in their journey to improve themselves both as individuals and as leaders and attain self-fulfillment for the future while embodying the holistic coaching approach.



     Modul 6 - Mentoring  Mastery level                 

Certified Professional Integral Coach Process – Mastery Process     


After fulfilling the first level (L1) of I.C. Integral Coaching™, for professional coaches, participants will be invited to the CPIC Certified Professional Integral Coach™ master's program and complete the ACTP program and receive ACTP accreditation.  


The CPIC Certified Professional Integral Coach™ process includes individual study, group study, self-evaluation development plan, three webinars - 10 hours of mentorship (7 group mentoring as 1-day group workshop and 3 individual mentoring hours), you will be required to complete a series of practical coaching sessions - coaching log, write a coaching case study and reflective essay as a final paper and demonstrate your coaching competencies through live and recorded practice. 

As a result, participants will achieve competence individually and collectively and along with living implementations, be well versed in their coaching competencies, and will embody them with experience.


Upon completing this program, participants will be awarded ACTP Integral Coach certification.  Participants will be able to directly apply for individual accreditation by ICF - ACTP path, assuming other prerequisites are met: such as completed100 coaching hours for ACC, 500 hours for PCC and CKA.


Mirna Radošević, Chief Reinvention officer Salveo CEE Group
„Danas kao savjetnica za razvoj i jedna od suosnivačica Salvea nemam formalnu titulu lidera u organizaciji no nakon programa integralnog coachinga postala sam puno svjesnija svojeg utjecaja  na druge kao „tihi“ lider iz pozadine te sam značajno promijenila svoj pristup i način komunikacije sa svim osobama s kojima ulazim u interakciju. Integralni pristup mi je pomogao da ponovno postanem radoznala, da budem prisutnija i da se moja komunikacija bazira na postavljanju otvorenih pitanja kako bih omogućila veću razinu razumijevanja i povezanosti. Promijenio se način na koji slušam i ja to volim reći da više ne slušam samo ušima već cijelim svojim tijelom. Pratim dubinu daha, ton glasa, pokrete tijela, emocije i ono što osvijestim postaje baza za našu daljnju komunikaciju.   Posljedično tome se veliki dio mog radnog vremena okrenuo prema well-beingu odnosno balansiranju poslovnog i privatnog/društevnog života naših članova tima kao i naših partnera.  Organizaciju promatram kao cjeloviti sustav koji čine svi članovi tima, a zdravlje organizacije kao rezultat osobnog (emocionalnog, racionalnog, duhovnog i fizičkog) stanja svakog pojedinca. Podržavajući članove tima da urone u svoju kompleksnost, nastojim doprinijeti evoluirajućem procesu sretnih i zdravih pojedinaca koji rade u zdravoj i uspješnoj organizaciji. „




Marketing and Sales Training Content for Coaches

When you study with us, we support you in all areas of your development.

We are offering extra support in terms of development activities and profession. We will host a sales coach and specialist to help coaches understand and develop a good foundation for their business. For that, you will have an additional workshop (it will be online) to cover all relevant topics. After our program graduation, you will be ready to start your new way.





Sami Bugay is a Master Trainer and Master Certified Coach MCC-ICF, Registered ICF Mentor Coach, ICF ACCESSOR for PCC level, NCC - Certified Ontological Coach, Organizational Constellations Trainer, Accredited Cultural Transformation practitioner from Turkey.

He is the author of the ITC Integral Team Coaching book. Sami also mentors and develops emerging coaches as an ICF Accredited Mentor Coach. Sami’s extensive background in strategy and business management is a great asset to Sami’s current coaching practice, including one-to-one coaching, team and group coaching, and delivery of training for leading companies on leadership development, coaching, and other organizational development subjects. Sami is also faculty of The School of Life, an acting mentor in Endeavor Turkey as a member of the advisory board, trainer in Integral Coaching Institute. He served as President of ICF Turkey between 2016-18.  He is the author of the “ITC Integral Team Coaching” book, recently published in Turkish and soon available in English. Sami developed and led the “Turkish Coaches Supporting Turkish Entrepreneurs” project, which later earned the “Local Spirit Global Presence Award” from ICF International at the Annual International Conference in Montreal. Having continued his professional training and education over the years from coaching and organizational constellations, Group & team coaching, Gestalt coaching & gestalt working with groups, Jungian Coaching, etc.


Jasna Knez is a Master Trainer, Master Certified Coach (MCC), and EIA Master Certified Coach and Mentor accredited by both professional bodies, European and International. She is an Executive &  Systemic Team Coach, CPC Organizational Constellation practitioner, and Embodied Approach Facilitator from Slovenia. Jasna actively supports sustainable growth and coaching profession as Vice President of ICF Chapter Slovenia.  She works as a leadership coach, coaching & leadership skills trainer, coaching culture development facilitator, and systemic organizational constellator She has been working with numerous clients and teams to assist in their transformation; trust, high performance, and resilience implementation.  Her passion is discovering people's untapped potential and creating a safe space for transformation. Her training and coaching methodology is based on the systemic and integral perspective, Jungian psychology, and transformative somatic coaching. She is a faculty in Embody your Coaching Wisdom Povej na Glas School as trainer and supervisor, Jungian Coaching School Slovenia as trainer and mentor coach, Integral leadership coaching as trainer and facilitator, and Global Team Coaching Institute as practicum facilitator and Team coaching Supervisor. As a mentor, she supports MEPI - International Award for Young People.

She is also EIA - EMCC and PCC - ICF Assessor. 


Assisting team will join the faculty. (Marko Knez, Nena Veber, Andreja Anžur Černič)




Training dates and schedule hours:

The program will be run live, in-person learning as well some additional activities will be held online. 

Practicum Mastergroup and coaching supervision is run virtually.

RVT (PCT) is obligatory. 


1.& 2. Modules 10.3 –13.3.2022 (9.30 - 18.00 each day)

+ extra group online supervision 

+ integration online practicum Mastermind group  (dates agree on 1. module)


3. & 4. Modules L1 - 5.5. – 8.5.2022 (9.00 - 18.00 each day)

+ extra group online supervision 

+ integration online practicum Mastermind group  (dates agree on 3. module)


5. Module and graduation  22.6. – 24.6.2022 (9.30 - 18.00 each day)


EXTRA - Mastery program (This process is held in the time frame of 4 months, and you can adapt it to your own pace and schedule as it is an individual process)


Mentoring module for ones that go L1 + L2 (ACTP):  25.6. or. 27.6.2022 (group mentoring (in person or online from 9 – 16h) 

+ 3 individual mentoring sessions, scheduled with each participant and mentor coach individually in a period of July - November 2022


PROGRAM FEE ACSTH & ACTP (Accredited Coach Training Program)

INTEGRAL COACHING CERTIFICATION Certified Professional Integral Coach Process™ - L1&L2 C.P.I.C. 


Program fee 

  1. Early bird special offer ALL IN (LEVEL 2 certification) if you apply till 30.1.2022, is your price 3880,00€ + vat. 
  2. Integral Coaching LEVEL 2 - ACTP Mastery Certification - 6 modules 4250,00€ + vat
  3. Possible payment in 5 installments.


We will accept only 8 participants. The program is run in English. 



Sanja Zdunić, direktor tvrtke Da za edukaciju
Ako me pitate, kako općenito donosim odluke, moj odgovor bi bio – prema mojoj intuiciji. Ako moj unutarnji glas kaže – go Sanja, ja uistinu IDEM u neki projekt bez prevelike analize i razmišljanja. Just go! Naravno, uvijek spremna prihvatiti rizik i pogreške. Krizna situacija (Covid 19) prisilila me je da sjednem i razmišljam o svakoj odluci, svakom next stepu mene kao Managera, moje kompanije i mojih ljudi. Integralni pristup pomogao mi je da intuitivno odlučivanje  nije uvijek pravi odabir. Ono što sam u krizi shvatila o sebi (“I” domain) da sam Manager koji se boji “neizvjesnosti”. Kako organizirati poslovanje bez jasnog plana, termina i rokova? Kako osigurati kruh? Naučila sam da postoji domena “ITS” koja je jača od mene, mog entuzijazma i poriva da stvari guram i pushiram.  I ta me je domena prisilila na STOP,  strpljenje i prihvaćanje.  Konačno sam razumjela vrijednosti moje obitelji (“WE” domain) – važno je štedjeti i misliti na crne dane i osigurati cash flow u mojoj kompaniji. Ono najvrednije, naučila sam uključiti druge s pitanjem (IT domain) – što ćemo sada, kako ćemo se ponašati? Strahovati, plakati, povući se ili krenuti u učenje novih skillova i pokrenuti business u novom smjeru.  To je bila izvrsna odluka!





Piškotki za analitiko
Ti se uporabljajo za beleženje analitike obsikanosti spletne strani in nam zagotavljajo podatke na podlagi katerih lahko zagotovimo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo.
Piškotki za družabna omrežja
Piškotki potrebni za vtičnike za deljenje vsebin iz strani na socialna omrežja.
Piškotki za komunikacijo na strani
Piškotki omogočajo pirkaz, kontaktiranje in komunikacijo preko komunikacijskega vtičnika na strani.
Piškotki za oglaševanje
So namenjeni targetiranemu oglaševanju glede na pretekle uporabnikove aktvinosti na drugih straneh.
Kaj so piškotki?
Z obiskom in uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate z uporabo in beleženjem piškotkov.V redu Več o piškotkih