Individual Coaching


Welcome to a transformative journey where success intertwines with personal growth, and limitations are replaced by boundless possibilities. At Povej na glas, we offer more than just coaching; we provide the key to unlocking your full potential across both business and personal spheres.


According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), coaching is a "partnership with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential." our approach at Povej na glas goes beyond the conventional—it's an investment in your future, guiding you not only toward achieving business results but also toward profound personal transformation. We help you develop strategic thinking, reshape limiting behaviors, and unlock new paths for growth.



Coaching with povej na glas is a highly individualized process, carefully tailored to meet the unique needs of each person or group. Through a co-creative process, our coaches work with you to unlock your innate abilities and potential, enabling you to develop authentic solutions to your challenges. The journey is interactive, leveraging a variety of coaching techniques and tools to facilitate new behaviors and instill powerful change management capabilities.



Whether you're grappling with a lack of confidence, unclear goals, fear of success, or navigating through organizational changes, Povej na glas coaching is your pathway to lasting transformation. Our coaches are equipped to address a wide spectrum of challenges, from personal development to team dynamics, guiding you toward a life of purpose and achievement.



Coaching can be a game-changer in various roles and situations, particularly when facing challenges such as:

  • Lack of self-confidence or self-trust: build unshakeable confidence and trust in your abilities.
  • Unclear values, goals, desires, and ambitions: gain clarity and direction in your personal and professional life.
  • Overcoming limiting beliefs: break free from archaic messages like "i'm not good enough" or "i'm not worthy."
  • Fear of success or failure: conquer your fears and step into your full potential.
  • Perfectionism and striving for excellence: learn to balance high standards with self-compassion.
  • Loss of motivation: rekindle your drive and passion for your goals.
  • Imbalance and change management: navigate life’s transitions with grace and resilience.
  • Underdeveloped emotional intelligence: enhance your ability to connect with yourself and others.
  • Communication challenges: develop authentic, flexible, and effective communication skills.
  • Leadership and self-leadership: transform your leadership style to inspire and guide others.
  • Stress management: cultivate strategies to manage stress at home and work.
  • Dysfunctional thinking and behaviors: reframe limiting thought patterns and behaviors.
  • Time management and prioritization: master the art of effective time management.
  • Team dynamics and culture: build a cohesive, motivated, and collaborative team.
  • Conflict resolution: turn conflicts into opportunities for growth and understanding.



  1. Introductory meeting: we start by establishing the framework for your coaching journey. This includes defining goals, discussing the topics you'll explore, and presenting the detailed methodology we'll use. All interactions are strictly confidential, creating a safe space for honest and open dialogue.
  2. Individual sessions: these sessions are customized to your specific goals and needs, typically spread over five to ten meetings. We incorporate diagnostic tools and assessments to support your progress and ensure the coaching process is as impactful as possible.
  3. Closing phase – evaluation: we conclude the coaching process with a thorough evaluation of your journey, assessing your progress and the overall impact of the coaching experience.



At Povej na glas, our coaching process is holistic and systemic, addressing the whole person. We employ a variety of modalities, techniques, and methods that challenge limiting beliefs and expand the boundaries of what you can achieve. Our approach is dynamic and transformative, offering a tailored experience that aligns with your unique characteristics and goals.



Are you ready to elevate your personal and professional life? Choose Povej na glas coaching services and begin a transformative journey where your potential knows no bounds. Contact us today to schedule your introductory session and unlock the path to your success!

  • Executive coaching - top-level coaching for senior leaders.
  • Leadership coaching - develop and refine your leadership style.
  • Career & organizational coaching - navigate career transitions and organizational challenges.
  • Communication coaching - enhance your communication effectiveness.
  • Jungian coaching - explore the depths of your psyche for profound personal growth.
  • Group coaching - foster team development and collaboration.

Experience the power of coaching—a catalyst not just for achieving results, but for fostering a thriving, collaborative organizational culture and a more fulfilled life.







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